Monthly Posts · Top Five Tuesday

Top Five Tuesday | Female Protagonists (YA)

I feel as if the young adult titles I’m mostly familiar with have the tendency to be extremely male orientated, even in my own novels I seem to resonate more with male narratives than female. Considering I’m currently trapped within the depths of university hell, where both of my current novels have male protagonists, I felt like I should talk about some of my favourite females across young adult literature… and honestly, it was pretty tough. 

Blue Sargent | The Raven Cycle

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Blue’s character was one whose choices I didn’t disagree with throughout the novel, and although, the progression of her relationship with Gansey was a little irritating at times, her character was one that didn’t frustrate me at all. Blue’s independence and need for adventure was something that resonated with me, revealing her courage and intelligence across the four books. Her sarcastic personality was brilliant to read, finding her dialogue near constantly entertaining. Plus, her quirky dress sense was just adorable.




Hermione Granger | Harry Potter

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Okay, so the series might not necessary follow Hermione’s journey, but to me, Hermione was basically the hero of the golden trio. Although, she was most memorable for her intelligence by her peers, her courage and quick thinking is what I love most about her. What made her stand out to me compared to the other wizards was the fact that while they relied on their magical abilities, Hermione relied on logic. To me, that set her miles above all the other characters. As a child, I essentially idolised Hermione Granger, desperate to be as brave, responsible and hard-working as her and even now I still wish I had elements of her character within myself.

Audrey Rose Wadsworth | Stalking Jack The Ripper

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Audrey’s character is one that I have adored since reading the very first chapter of Stalking Jack the Ripper; everything about her is admirable. Predominantly, Audrey’s determination throughout her journey is something that shows bounds about her personality; she constantly attempts to prove that women are just as strong as men, regardless of societies views at the time. I adore this about her. Her temper is also admirable at times, as it is usually provoked by Thomas, and their interactions are always entertaining to read.



Leora Flint | Ink Trilogy

Honestly, the gorgeous name alone gives her a place on this list. I adore this character, her being one of my all time favourite characters, period. Leora’s struggles through both Ink and Spark are monumental, however, she takes them in her stride, thinking through her options logically before doing what she has to, not always what she wants. She’s strong-willed, relatable, and doesn’t care for the love interest when her whole world is crashing down; the best kind of females in young adult literature.

Nina Zenik | Six of Crows Duology

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Nina’s character is one I found most entertaining while reading Six of Crows (I’m yet to read Crooked Kingdom). Her forwardness may seem like her downfall to some, yet I love that about her. Way too regularly there’s reluctant female protagonists, yet Nina’s boldness shines through the story and presents herself to those around her. Her loyalty to her country is beautiful, but the best thing about her is her sweet-tooth and terrible singing voice. Adorable.





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